Online accounting software
Online accounting software
Online accounting software


Online accounting software

Program user category:

If you are one of the owners of companies or service institutions, the accounting software is of great importance to you in completing transactions and tasks, in addition to the high accuracy in recording and retrieval of data, making financial reports and exporting them.


Available languages ​​and currencies:

This program allows you to make optimal use of it by allowing the use of three languages ​​(Arabic - English - Turkish) and through it you can create several funds to pay in different currencies.


Ease of access:

The program is online and that allows you to access it from anywhere by entering the user name and password of the user at any time.


Account statement:

Quick extraction to reveal customer accounts, export purchase and sales invoices, determine due payments and edit account statements in a way that suits you / PDF - Excel - …. / and printed.

سجل الآن :

معلومات الدورة
المعلومات الشخصية